Read About the Experiences of
Brain Injury Survivors, Caregivers, and Professionals
Read About the Experiences of Brain Injury Survivors Caregivers, and Professionals
Enoch TBI Center
We believe that sharing knowledge about TBI is vital to understanding what a survivor experiences in their journey and sometimes on a daily basis. Brain injuries are referred to as Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). ABI refers to medical conditions that occur to the brain, usually following birth, that changes its function. These conditions can include stroke, tumor, anoxia, traumatic injury, brain hemorrhage, and non-degenerative diseases of the brain.
Traumatic refers to an injury caused by an external force (i.e., a blow to the head). As specific parts of the brain control specific functions, the location of the injury to the brain can include: cognitive, physical, emotional, and behavioral changes. Please see the Interactive Brain Diagram page for more specific information.

Enoch TBI Center

Survivors STORIES
In their own words, our survivors share their stories.
Caregivers & Professionals
Stories from Caregivers and Professionals
As we said, we believe that sharing knowledge about TBI is vital to understanding what each survivor experiences. Therefore, we have included a few very descriptive stories from some of our current members. Please be advised, the stories may trigger very emotional responses.

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